Adaptive Driving

The T.K. Martin Center specializes in the evaluation and training of persons with disabilities who wish to consider driving. The driving evaluation includes input from a number of professionals, including a Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist (CDRS), and consists of a clinical driving evaluation and behind-the-wheel assessment. Services may result in a recommendation for driving or further training, and when appropriate, will include specific recommendations regarding vehicle modifications and adaptive driving equipment. Adaptations are performed by authorized vendors of the products recommended. The Center has a sedan and a wheelchair accessible minivan available for assessments and training.

The T.K. Martin Center also offers evaluation and training services for driving candidates using bioptic lenses.

In addition to our driving services, the T.K. Martin Center provides vehicle modification assessment services for non-driving applications including vehicle access for either the driver or passenger and transportation of wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility equipment.

For more information, contact Eric Knox.