Background Image Alternative Text: Ambassadors Marion with T.K. Martin kid


The T.K. Martin Center Ambassadors is an organization of students designed to help raise awareness and provide support for the T.K. Martin Center.

The T.K. Martin Ambassadors group was created in 2017 to help create an avenue for Mississippi State University students to become involved within the T.K. Martin Center. The T.K. Martin Center Ambassadors is an organization of students designed to help raise awareness and provide support for the T.K. Martin Center. The organization is student lead and based out of the Mississippi State Student Association. The ambassador’s group conduct tours, provide assistance as needed, host events, and personally connect with people to help answer questions about the services the Center provides. Applications open in the Spring of each school year and Ambassadors can serve the length of their time at Mississippi State University. 

You can find updates and links on their Instagram: @msutkmabassadors